Why Should Your Child Learn Swimming

Swimming is one of the most enjoyable forms of exercise out there. Besides being a fun activity, swimming also has endless health benefits

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associated with it. It is advisable to learn swimming as early in life as possible, and childhood is a good time to learn. Here are a few of the important reasons why your child should learn swimming:

1. Safety:

Drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional injury-related deaths in children. Swimming is not just an exercise but can be a survival tool too. Children are often exposed to water, be it during camping, or trekking, or any outdoor activity, and swimming is an essential skill that all children must know.

2. Low-impact sport:

As compared to other forms of outdoor sport, swimming is a very low impact sport. As most of the body remains in the water and the movements are slow there is a very low risk of injuries. Unlike other outdoor sports, there is almost zero chance of head injuries, concussion etc.

3. Full body workout:

Swimming is one of the most underrated forms of exercise. It involves the movement of multiple muscle groups in high intensity and helps burn calories rather quickly. Learning to swim at an early age promotes a healthy life among children.

4. Teamwork:

By participating in team swimming competitions and various other water sports, the child can also learn the spirit of teamwork, which is another essential life skill. Besides being exposed to a healthy competitive environment, the child also sets personal bests and personal goals and tries to break one’s own records. This is important for developing a team spirit and healthy competitiveness in the child.

5. Wellbeing:

Swimming, just like many other skills, is hard to forget. Once your child learns how to swim, he or she can enjoy swimming at any point in the future. This will help in developing a healthy lifestyle, avoid diseases, and impart a sense of wellbeing.
